21st March 2023

UK government challenges developers with biodiversity net gain targets

The UK government has set out an Environmental Improvement Plan to revitalise British soil and replenish countryside and coastlines. The 25-year Environmental Plan goal is to achieve a growing and resilient land, water and sea network richer in plants and wildlife. But what does this mean for property developers?

Upcoming biodiversity net gain targets

To help restore much-needed British wildlife and landscapes the UK government is set to implement a biodiversity net gain for property developers. Furthermore, the mandatory target proposes that most new developments in England need to create 10% more biodiversity. The aim of this target is to ensure property developers contribute to the recovery of nature and refocus housebuilding onto a sustainable path.

Sustainability in housing will shift to focus on biodiversity net gain on and offsite. From November 2023, property developers can use the government’s online service to record either: off-site units on another piece of land in the local area or statutory credits. However, statutory credits are urged to be a last resort if developers are unable to use onsite or offsite units.

How developers can maintain practical green space

The government’s mission to implement schedule 3 in England is complementary to achieving biodiversity net gain targets. The proposed schedule 3 regulation outlines that developers will be required to factor in rainwater management through SuDS-compliant systems to protect against local flooding and prevent pollution of nearby watercourses.

The planning stage is the most influential for developers to create meaningful biodiversity and empower positive outcomes. In doing so, they can reduce the risk of expensive resubmissions and changes to designs. This is one of the many reasons Beauxfort has developed it’s Grassrings grass reinforcement system as it can be used in development to tackle water management, aesthetics and practicality.

By laying Grassrings grass reinforcement system, developers can maintain green space in their plans, providing permeable, attractive soft landscaping that can double up as much-needed parking space when required. The benefit of incorporating Grassrings grass reinforcement system is that the grid protects green spaces against the weight and wear of vehicles.

Designed and manufactured in Britain for a lower carbon footprint, developers can be confident they receive quality building materials to last a lifetime. In addition, Grassrings is manufactured entirely from recycled HDPE, reducing virgin plastic demand to support a circular economy.

To discuss how Beauxfort can help you deliver sustainable developments call 0330 055 2599 or email info@beauxfort.com. Achieve high-quality green spaces with Grassrings grass reinforcement system, order your free sample here.


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